1642414639143 Legal 500 Intellectual Property Ranking

Our Firm ranked in Legal500 in Intellectual Property, and in TMT as a "Firm to Watch"

Very honoured and blessed to have been ranked in Legal500 in Intellectual Property, and, in TMT as a "Firm to Watch". We are very grateful to all our referees and for our clients who have continued to support us through the years.

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Chambers 2022 recognition as Leading Firm with leading practitioners Joyce A. Tan and Daniel Lim

Very honoured that our firm has continued to be listed as a leading firm in Chambers 2022, and that also 2 of our directors, Joyce A. Tan and Daniel Lim continue to be listed in Chambers as leading practitioners.

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2022 Straits Times Press Singapore list of best law firms

We did not solicit or campaign from clients or peers for this though we were invited to do so - we simply had too much work to devote the time for it. So it came as a pleasant surprise to see the recognition accorded to the firm in the 2022 Straits Times Press Singapore list of best law firms.

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Asialaw profiles 2022 recognition for Firm and Joyce A. Tan

 The firm is gratified and humbled to have been recognised by the Asialaw profiles 2022, and to have our Joyce A. Tan also recognised as a leading individual. 

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Asia IP recognition for Joyce A. Tan as IP practitioner

Very pleased and honoured that our Joyce A. Tan has been recognised again for her leadership as an IP practitioner, this time by Asia IP!

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Singapore Academy of Law Profiles our own Joyce A. Tan

Very blessed and honoured that the Singapore Academy of Law has taken the time to profile our own Joyce A. Tan. 

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Daniel Lim quoted in Asia IP Law article on dynamic injunctions

 Our Daniel Lim was quoted in an article by Asia IP Law on dynamic injunctions, a useful tool when going after infringers who operate on the internet.

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Joyce A. Tan Selected as outstanding IP Practitioner in elite WIPR Leaders Guide 2021

 We're very honoured that our Joyce A. Tan has been selected as an outstanding IP Practitioner in the elite WIPR Leaders Guide for 2021 in both patents and trade marks.

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Our Intellectual Property practice ranked by Benchmark Litigation for 2021 - Daniel Lim listed as a Litigation Star

Our Intellectual Property practice has been ranked by Benchmark Litigation for 2021, with our own Daniel Lim, listed as a Litigation Star! Congrats to other firms on the list. 

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Straits Times Article on Maintenance Defaulters featuring our Malathi Das

Covid has impacted the capacity of some to keep up with their maintenance obligations under divorce arrangements, and the Straits Times speaks with leading matrimonial law practitioners in Singapore, including our own Malathi Das on the issue.

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Tier 2 Endorsement in Media Law Practice Guide

Very honoured that our firm has been ranked tier 2 in the Media Law International Global Leaders in Media Law Practice guide, and humbled to have their endorsement.

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Director Daniel Lim featured on Chambers

Very appreciative, as ever, of the constant recognition by leading publications such as Chambers for our work, and for their recognition of our directors Joyce A. Tan and Daniel Lim.

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