1642414639143 Legal 500 Intellectual Property Ranking

Our Firm ranked in Legal500 in Intellectual Property, and in TMT as a "Firm to Watch"

Very honoured and blessed to have been ranked in Legal500 in Intellectual Property, and, in TMT as a "Firm to Watch". We are very grateful to all our referees and for our clients who have continued to support us through the years.

Very much looking forward to keeping up and improving our efforts to serve our clients. Our congratulations too to all other firms.

Legal500 had this to say about us:

(For IP) "Joyce A. Tan & Partners LLC is a boutique firm with a strong focus on IP, and a rich heritage in portfolio management and landmark IP disputes. Joyce Tan is a prominent name in major IP disputes, along with trade mark and patent registration. Jeffrey Lim's practice spans IP and TMT, while Daniel Lim is noted for patent disputes; he represented ASM Technology Singapore in a high-value infringement claim relating to auto-moulding machines used to package semi-conductor chips."

(For TMT) "At boutique firm Joyce A. Tan & Partners LLC, TMT mandates for global and local corporates form an ever growing part of the workload for specialists Joyce A. Tan, Jeffrey Lim and Daniel Lim ."


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